Health and local business
If you have moved into Horsford you may wish to register with the local medical centre. - Drayton Medical Practice which comprises three surgeries Drayton, Horsford and
St Faiths.
You can register online and then take proof of ID (driving license, passport or birth certificate) and proof of address to the surgery. Once these forms of identification have been seen you can be registered at the Practice.
Opening hours can be found on the website
Horsford Medical Centre, located at 205 Holt Road, Horsford, Norwich NR10 3DX
Horsford Surgery Tel: 01603 867532
Drayton Surgery Tel: 01603 867532
St Faith’s Surgery Tel: 01603 867532
Nearest Hospital (Accident and Emergency) tel: 999
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Ward enquiries 01603 286286
See Horsford News for advertisements of private businesses
Pledgers pharmacy, Holt Road joining the Horsford Medical Centre
Age UK Norfolk 01603 787111 email
Meals on Wheels. 07887800502
Norfolk Family Carers.
Norfolk County Council Social Services
Health of your animals
Horsford and Taverham have vets. See their adverts in the Horsford News
Located in the porch of the East of England Co-op exterior wall. If this is needed in an emergency and you have dialled 999, and are put through to the Ambulance Service they will give you the key number to unlock.
Local Business
Many businesses advertise in The Horsford News. Listed below are the ones that you may find helpful if you have just moved into the village.
Of course there are trades for most of your needs that advertise on the internet, newspapers etc or recommendations by word of mouth or social media. If you see Facebook Horsford Life, you are sure to get replies
The East of England Co-op, a nearby bakery and butchers.
Various on Holt Road including fish and chips
All Creatures Healthcare is on Sandy Lane, Horsford
Tel: 01603 898984
There is also a vets at Taverham.