The Parish Council maintains a set of policies and procedures to help carry its duties out effectively and to comply with regulations. These documents are reviewed and updated where required. The Council is governed by Financial Regulations and has the accounts audited annually.
The Parish Council has adopted a set of financial regulations which set out how the financial matters of the Council should be arranged and recorded, banking arrangements, cheque signatories, etc. They also set limits on expenditure before having to go out to tender. Budget setting, auditing and insurance are also dealt with.
2023 20 24
2023 - 2024 Exercise of Electors Rights
2023 - 2024 Unaudited Annual Governance Statement
2023 2024 Unaudited Accounting Statements
2022 - 2023
Community Infrastructure Levy Report 2020/21
Audited Accounts
At the end of each financial year (March 31st.) the Council has to have the accounts audited. First the accounts, minutes and other records are submitted to an Internal Auditor (appointed by the Council) who examines them, the procedures followed, taxation submissions etc. and prepares a report for the Council. Following that the Council has to prepare an annual governance statement and a statement of accounts. These, together with supporting documentation, are sent to the External Auditor (appointed nationally).
2021/2022 Accounts
Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements 2021/22
Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) report
2020/2021 Accounts
Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements 2020/21 (unaudited)
Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) report
2019/2020 Accounts
Electors' Rights and unaudited accounting statement
Annual Governance Statement and Annual Statement of Accounts
The Council Tax Precept
The precept is the parish council’s share of the council tax. The precept demand goes to the billing authority, Breckland District Council, which collects the tax for the Parish Council. The 'Precept' is converted into an amount per Council Tax Band that is added onto the Council Tax bill. Income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of estimates.
Parish and town councils can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards, but they do not receive funds direct from central government as principal authorities do.
Copies of documents are available from the Clerk upon request.
Policies & Procedures
The Parish Council has adopted standing orders which govern the running of the Council - see Standing Orders
It has also adopted additional policies:
Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Horsford Green Infrastructure April 2022
Notice board and website policy
In addition Horsford Parish Council has a 5-Year Business Plan; the latest edition can be found here
The latest version of the Parish Council Asset register, dated August 2022, is here
The Parish Councils Neighbourhood Plan can be accessed via this link:
Business Action Plan Working Group (BAP)
The group consists of some councillors and some residents. It is an informal group with no decision making powers and is there to provide suggestions to the Council on future projects which may be of benefit to the Parish. It researches the projects in terms of viability, capital cost and ongoing revenue costs before making recommendations to the Council.