An introduction to Horsford
Horsford is positioned within a horseshoe shape of woods. There are miles of walking routes going through the woods and farmland available to all. A map is included but official detailed maps are available on Norfolk County Council, Public Rights of Way on their website
Before the large ownership of cars and development
Many people worked locally and their social life would have been within the village. Prior to mechanised farming, many worked on the land or with livestock as well as in very local trades. Just as it was in all Norfolk villages in centuries gone by.
Ancient History
The Doomsday book records our village’s existence and for those who are interested in History the Norfolk Records Library would help you delve deeper.
Modern Horsford
Horsford is now considered a service village to Norwich and by being so it has developed, and will continue to develop into a modern sustainable place to live. It is developing at a faster rate than villages that are further from the city. With this development we are able to meet new people and expand our clubs and facilities. Further on we will give you contact details of the clubs and organisations. By joining in we hope that it will give you a sense of belonging.
We want you to feel part of the community but that community will only be as good as the participation of its inhabitants.
To feel part of Horsford rather than just a place to have a roof over your head we have various events where you would be most welcomed. Facilities services and clubs are included in this pack
Horsford Social Club has in the past put on annual events such as carnivals to bring people together starting in the afternoon and continuing all evening. Village Festival or Carnival
All village groups have gathered in the past to arrange a Village Festival or Carnival with similar events foreseen for the future. The location has been the recreation ground behind the play park and village hall.
Father Christmas normally visits Horsford one Sunday afternoon when it is dark just before Christmas, escorted by Scouts and their leaders.
Firework display
This will be well advertised and in the past has been held on a field near the Mill Lane School.
Both the church and school will hold summer fetes. They will be advertised and you will see signs in the village.


Dear Resident
Welcome to Horsford.
On behalf of the Parish Council I hope that you will settle quickly and happily into your new home and community. Whilst I am sure that your neighbours will be only too happy to help you if you need pointing in the right direction we have developed this Welcome Pack for all new residents to help you find your way round the village and feel part of your community. Please also feel welcome to contact your Parish Councillors or myself if you have any specific questions.
This Welcome Pack also includes information about local village groups that always welcome new members and volunteers.
I hope that you find this pack useful and that it will help you settle in to our happy and active community. We want to make sure that this is as useful as it can be to new residents so please let us know if you think it could be improved in any way.
Yours sincerely
Chris Brown
Chair of Horsford Parish Council